Perio in stereo – Looking at a variety of systemic conditions

In my continuing devotion to expanding the discussion on dentistry, I’m presenting an overview of periodontitis and associated systemic conditions. Periodontal disease may be more severe in individuals affected with immune system disorders, and patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may have especially severe forms of periodontitis disease. The incidence of necrotizing periodontal diseases…

Speaking broadly about implants – The end of Implant Week

We’re finishing up our week discussing implants in periodontal treatments by taking a broad view of some issues in the field, including placement, failures, and maintenence.   Immediate Implant Placement If an implant is to be inserted into an extraction site, the timing of the extraction is important due to the potential for post-extraction bone…

Expanding the horizons of implant dentistry

In my commitment to expanding the horizons of dentistry, I’m using this week to present an overview of dental implants in periodontal therapy. Over the last 30 years, research has validated the success of osseointegrated implants as a viable alternative to fixed or removable dentures. Today’s periodontists are extensively trained in surgical procedures to treat…

The most durable and most aesthetic all-ceramic restorations available today

Ideally, what you want for crowns and bridges is a system that does not require you to change preparation and/or impressioning methods. We simply can’t ask you to turn your practice upside down to accommodate our lab. The optimal system would use supragingival preparations where less tooth structure is removed, as compared with porcelain fused…

“During the past twenty-five years patient expectations have changed considerably” Veneers and you

It was once good enough for teeth to merely be healthy and functional, but during the past twenty-five years patient expectations have changed considerably. With the increasing popularity and availability of veneers, aesthetics now play an important part in the choice of dental restoration. No longer are veneers restricted to the entertainment industry, as they…

Do you agree with my idea for the future of oral health study?

The science base in oral health has been evolving at a staggering pace over the past half century. Initial research in this area was primarily in the basic sciences, investigating mechanisms of normal development and pathology in relation to dental caries and periodontal diseases. Prevention research has included controlled clinical studies, with and without randomization,…

Stubbing out smoking in dental care

There is more than ample evidence, garnered from numerous studies in various populations, to support a conclusion that in adult smokers periodontitis is found some three times more than in non-smokers. There’s ample evidence smoking affects dental health, increasing rates of periodontitis. If you just account for the most severely affected patients, the connection between…

Can it be done safely? Implants and resorbed bone

Outside of techniques like whitening, and general dentistry, dental implants are one of the hottest topics in the dental sphere. For that reason, I’m presenting a case from Sweden, where a study was conducted on adults with resorbed mandibles. Material and Methods: A new, 4-mm long Straumann SLActive supporting a fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) in…