August 12, 2011

Overcoming the old aesthetic boundaries

Lava products are a boon to tooth strengthThe Lava™ Crown and Bridge System: A precise match of aesthetics and strength

Understanding what makes modern dental lab works so impressive helps the relationship between a lab and a dental practice.

Part of the reason modern aesthetics works are so impressive compared to their spiritual ancestors is the quality of the materials labs work with, one of which is Lava 3M ESPE.

Combining the natural appearance and high strength of Zirconium oxide, 3M ESPE Lava crowns and bridges possess a translucent framework unparalleled in dental restorations.

Biterite Lab, an approved Lava 3M ESPE design centre, is able to manufacture framework matched precisely to the colour of your patient’s teeth, down to the translucency, mimicking natural dentine.

Excellent aesthetics are achieved through individually coloured frameworks;  the Lava customised veneer ceramic builds onto this unique framework producing consistently excellent results.

With a perfectly natural transition between veneer ceramic, framework and preparation margin at the tapered edge of the crown, a patient pleasing outcome is assured.

For decades, porcelain fused to metal (PFM) restorations set the standards for strength, durability and marginal fit.  Now, with 3M ESPE Lava Crowns and Bridges, these standards can be achieved as easily and more beautifully.

Due to the outstanding properties of the zirconium oxide framework material, you can prescribe Lava crowns and bridges for both anterior and posterior applications certain of their being the highest strength restorations available today, with no compromise of the lifespan of the restoration.

Any questions, or comments on the experiences you’ve had with Lava are always welcome. Feel free to leave them here, or contact us on our social media outlets:

Biterite on Twitter

Biterite on Facebook

Image courtesy of: DigitalArt

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